Lecturer in the Culinary Arts Vocational Education Study Program, Faculty of Engineering and Vocational Education, Ganesha University of Education, Dr. Cokorda Istri Raka Marsiti, S.Pd., M.Pd and Dr Ni Wayan Sukerti, S.Pd., M.Pd as consultants for the Center of Excellence Vocational School at SMK N 1 Tampak Siring.
This program has paved the way towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) through the participation of the Study Program as a Companion to the Vocational School Center of Excellence (SMK PK). This program not only adds experience, but also contributes to several SDGs set by the UN. One of the SDGs emphasized in this program is SDG 4: Quality Education and SDG 17: Partnerships For The Goals.
The role of the Pk Vocational School accompanying institution is to analyze strengths and weaknesses and develop the potential that exists in the school, both human resources and other resources to achieve the objectives of the Center for Excellence Vocational School Program. As for the scope of consultants that must be carried out by universities, namely: (1) carrying out coordination with the Ministry of Education and Culture, (2) providing assistance in fulfilling 8 national education standards, (3) implementing “link and match” with the business world and the industrial world (DUDI). , (4) providing training to teachers, principals and school supervisors and (5) implementing the Merdeka curriculum.