Luh Masdarini Doctoral Promotion
Luh Masdarini, lecturer at the Culinary Arts Vocational Education Study Program, Faculty of Engineering and Vocational Education, Ganesha Education University, took part in the open examination for Doctoral Promotion in the Doctoral Degree in Education at Ganesha Education University on January 30 2024. Luh Masdarini defended her dissertation entitled: THE EFFECT OF PROJECT-BASED LEARNING BASED ON THE TRI PRAMANA CONCEPT ON LEARNING OUTCOMES AND READINESS FOR VOCATIONAL SCHOOL STUDENTS’ CULINARY ENTREPRENEURSHIP WITH CONSIDERED SELF-EFFICIENCY. Promoter Commission: Prof. Dr. Made Candiasa, MI.Kom as Promoter, Prof Dr Ketut Agustini, S.Si., M.Si as Co-Promoter 1 and Dr Gde Wawan Sudatha, S.Pd., S.T., M.Pd as Co-Promoter 2
This program has paved the way towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) through community service activities. This program not only provides valuable learning experiences for students, lecturers and teachers, but also contributes to several SDGs set by the UN. One of the SDGs emphasized in this program is SDG 4: Quality Education.
This research aims to describe the influence of the project-based learning model with the Tri Pramana concept on learning outcomes and readiness for culinary entrepreneurship by considering self-efficacy.
In general, Luh Masdarini explained that the novelty of her research was:
1. The instrument used to collect learning outcome data in the form of knowledge of creative and entrepreneurial projects, using expanded objective tests with the aim of avoiding students answering tests by guessing without being based on a good understanding of the concept, as well as instruments to measure readiness for culinary entrepreneurship and self-efficacy using questionnaire/Likert scale questionnaire.
2. Project-based learning whose stages, especially the core learning stages, integrate the Tri Pramana concept with the PAS cycle (Pratyaksa, Anumana, and Sabda). Integrating the Tri Pramana concept into project-based learning syntax is able to support and strengthen project-based learning in order to increase the achievement of learning outcomes and culinary entrepreneurship readiness of vocational school students.
3. Teaching Module for Elements of Creative Projects and Entrepreneurship with a project-based learning syntax based on the Tri Pramana concept which has been licensed with IPR with registration number 000519228.